My birthday
Does anyone no what I wished for? No? OK good.
Check out my new stylin mountain bike that my dad gave me!
My little bother got me a barbie bike and a barbie doll. .MAYBE just MAYBE he isn't such a bother after all.
I went birthday shopping with my grandma Sandra. Later she came back to give me them. I got a littlest pet shop set a movie called Beverly hills chawawa and a mermaid . When you push the mermaids tail side her tail moves back. I also got a puppy in my pocket that were cats then I got a peekaboo that is a ballet dancer but they aren't in the picture. I also got aaaaaaa... oh thats all!
Grandma and grandpa got me a sewing machine and a sewing kit.
The sewing kit had ....... well I'm not going to tell you because it'll take forever!